Wichita KS DUI Attorneys | Wichita, KS DWI Lawyers | Sedgwick County, Kansas DWI Law Firms

Wichita, Kansas DWI Attorneys

Have you been arrested for a DWI in Wichita, Kansas? It is important to contact an experienced Wichita DUI lawyer right away. Without an attorney, you may be unnecessarily subject to fines, jail time, and loss of license under Kansas laws on DUI. Remember, you are innocent until the government proves that you are guilty. You are entitled to a vigorous defense by a professional Wichita DUI lawyer under the law. Your freedom, financial future, and record are on the line. Take the time to fill out the form on this website and contact an experienced Wichita DUI lawyer today.

A DUI or DWI criminal history carries with it expenses that truly last. The direct and indirect penalties for DUI are stiff: you not only face jail time and fines, but you will probably be dropped by your insurance carrier, face higher insurance rates, and have to purchase SR22 insurance.  

You do not have to lose hope merely because the evidence against you seems strong. Before you plead guilty, speak with a local Wichita DUI attorney first. You may be surprised by what your attorney has to say.

Those who plead guilty without fighting the drunk driving charges against them automatically submit to being a criminal, and they face jail time, or suspension or revocation of their license, or steep fines, all of the above, or some combination thereof. You may be under the mistaken belief that the case against you is ironclad. Experienced DUI lawyers can challenge the evidence against you in many cases – even failed blood alcohol tests, failed field sobriety tests, etc. These tests are not always reliable. Often, they are administered improperly or illegally. Before you assume the worst, speak with an experienced Wichita DWI attorney.

Do not take chances with your freedom – Hire a local Wichita DUI attorney

You may be thinking that the legal system is not structured in your favor. For those who face drunk-driving charges, your thoughts are well founded. Often, there are criminal proceedings, as well as administrative proceedings involved in the process (you may face administrative hearings regarding whether you will have your license revoked). With the help of an experienced Wichita DUI attorney, you will have a professional advocate working against the prosecution on your behalf. You may need your attorney to appear in more than one proceeding: traffic court, administrative hearings regarding suspension or revocation of your license, and criminal court. Local Wichita DUI lawyers have experience in the courtrooms in which your proceedings take place. Your local Wichita DUI lawyer will likely have experience working with the judicial system and the prosecutors in your county. Give yourself the best odds of winning your case by working with a local Wichita DUI attorney.

Underage DWI DUI charges?

Wichita DWI defense lawyers  &Wichita DUI defense lawyers are available for underage drivers

DUI laws for Minors are tough. It is no secret that underage drivers face an uphill battle if arrested for DUI DWI in Kansas. Minors are too young to face the societal impediments placed on them by a drunk driving charge. The consequences of pleading guilty, unfortunately, can hold a good kid back – all because of one bad decision. By meeting with an experienced Wichita DWI lawyer, you have nothing to lose. A local Wichita defense lawyer can help you. Fill out the form today, you have everything to gain. All Wichita DWI defense attorneys on this site provide free initial consultations.

Wichita defense lawyers: Scope of Services

A local Wichita defense attorney is usually experienced in many different arenas of criminal defense. These attorneys are often referred to by multiple names: Wichita misdemeanor DWI attorney, Wichita felony DUI attorney, Suspended License Attorney, Wichita criminal defense attorney, and even Wichita license suspension hearing attorney.

Wichita DWI defense attorneys may help with the following:

Defend you in court
Hire an investigator
Negotiate a plea deal
Secure Bail / Post Bail
Get out of jail
Challenge a breathalyzer test
Protect your rights
Challenge sobriety tests
Suppress illegal evidence
Suppress test results
Challenge a blood test
Seal your record
Reduce the drunk driving charges filed against you
Appear at a Kansas license suspension hearing
Appear at a Kansas license revocation hearing

Wichita DUI Attorney Expensive?

Factors: The specific facts of your case and the attorney you choose are the two factors that ultimately determine how much your DUI lawyer in Wichita will cost you. Defense attorneys are almost always a wise investment: don’t be fooled, a drunk driving criminal record is far more expensive than the expense of any Wichita defense lawyer.

Fee Structure: DUI Attorneys either charge an hourly rate between $100 per hour and $500 per hour. Some will charge a lump sum fee to represent you. To avoid any miscommunication between you and your Wichita DUI attorney, ask your attorney for an estimate of how many hours they will need to charge, and what your total bill will be. In many cases, your attorney will be happy to give you an estimate. This way, you will know what to expect.

Your Case: The outcome of your case naturally hinges on the facts of your case. If your Wichita DUI attorney needs to challenge the sufficiency or constitutionality of your arrest, be prepared to pay for the time it takes him or her to fight in court. This is not always a bad thing, however, as it may mean you have a stronger chance of fighting the charges against you. If you have multiple prior DUI arrests, it may be more difficult and time consuming for your lawyer to negotiate a better plea deal for you. To save time and money, be prepared to discuss your case in detail during your free initial consultation.

Fees versus Expenses: Also, you should be aware that fees for “expenses” incurred by your attorney for expert witnesses and other costs are usually charged above your attorney’s normal hourly rate.

Bail Bonding Companies in and near Wichita, Kansas

A Bail Bond Co
1540 North Broadway Street
Wichita, Kansas 67214
(316) 683-3194

Fisher Bail Bonds
330 N Main Street B
Wichita, Kansas 67202
(316) 262-4100‎

Big Fish Bail Bonds
705 North Broadway Street
Wichita, Kansas 67214
(316) 265-6453

Ken Palmer Bail Bonding Co
2038 N Grove Avenue
Wichita, Kansas 67214
(316) 618-1860

A-AAA Bonding Co
2449 North Poplar Street
Wichita, Kansas 67219
(316) 685-9595

Morey's Bonding Co
3316 1/2 S Broadway St
Wichita, Kansas 67216
(316) 522-4141

Traffic Courts in Sedgwick County, Kansas

If you have been issued a traffic ticket, your case will be heard in one of the following places:

Wichita Municipal Court
455 North Main, 2nd floor
Wichita, Kansas 67202
 (316) 268-4611

If you wish to appeal this ticket you may do so here:

Sedgwick County District Court
525 N Main Street
Wichita, Kansas 67203
(316) 660-5900

Criminal Courts in Sedgwick County, Kansas

If you are being charged with a crime other then a municipal criminal offense, then your case will be heard here:

Sedgwick County District Court
525 N Main Street
Wichita, Kansas 67203
 (316) 660-5900

If you are facing a municipal criminal charge, then your case will be heard here:

Wichita Municipal Court
455 North Main, 2nd Floor
Wichita, Kansas 67202
(316) 268-4611

If your wish to appeal the ruling from the Municipal Court, you will file you're appeal here:

Sedgwick County District Court
525 N Main Street
Wichita, Kansas 67203
(316) 660-5900

Wichita DUI lawyers serve clients throughout Southern Central Kansas, including Arkansas City, Arlington, Augusta, Derby, Dodge City, Douglas, El Dorado, Emporia, Goddard, Great Bend, Hutchinson, Independence, McPherson, Mulvane, Potwin, Pratt, Rose Hill, Salina, Topeka, Towanda, Wellington, Whitewater, Wichita, Winfield, areas in the vicinity of Beech Factory Airport, Bombardier Aerospace/Learjet, Cessna Aircraft Field, McConnell Air Force Base, Raytheon Aircraft Company, Wichita Mid-Continent Airport, and other communities in Sedgwick County.